July 2020

Market Minute - July 2020

Posted on Jul 07, 2020 in Sunshine Coast, BC Real Estate Podcast

As we move deeper into July, our real estate market here on the Sunshine Coast continues to heat up. Gibsons, specifically, is suffering from a lack of inventory which is pushing prices higher.

Spring is typically a busy time for real estate but that demand was bottled up due to quarantine. With restrictions lessening, interest in the Sunshine Coas...

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Canada Day 2020

Posted on Jul 03, 2020 in About the Sunshine Coast

A recent Globe and Mail editorial compared how climate change is projected to affect Australia and Canada.

The article states that changes will hit Australia especially hard. Droughts, fires, and hotter temperatures – three things Australia already has in abundance – will become even more commonplace over the next 20 years.

Canada will face its own c...

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